It appears the White House has rescinded the order. see below link:


President Trump’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) ordered a total freeze on federal financial assistance. This freeze on federal funds is intended to be temporary while agencies review grant programs for efficiency. No end date has been given for the funding freeze. Agencies have until February 10 to submit detailed information on any programs, projects or activities subject to the pause. Federal grant systems will shut down after 5pm today, Tuesday January 28th.

LOMOD has received the following communication from HUD:


We realize many of you have questions related to payments for Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) via Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts. We’ve received confirmation through OMB that rental assistance payments will not be paused, therefore, HAP vouchers for February 1 should be paid on schedule.


Mark R. Dominick

Director, Assisted Housing Oversight

Office of Asset Management, Headquarters